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Show Other Months and Years

Saturday, June 1, 2019

Old Town Car Show

I woke up this morning with no plans for the day, so I checked the city of Fort Collin's website to see if there were any events happening today, and there was! The Old Town Car Show was happening in downtown Fort Collins from 10-3, so I decided to go after lunch. There were hundreds of cars there and really reinforced to me that I have no interest in cars, but it was fun to take a few pictures of them.

442FlamingCorvette RowRustingCarbon FiberAnimal1966 Chevy Chevelle

Sunday, June 23, 2019

Super Macro

One of the things I got for my birthday this year was a tripod slide that allows you to make micro adjustments in the position of the camera pretty easily. Tripods are not meant to make micro adjustments when you're taking very close up photos, so this piece of equipment was necessary to be able to use a gift I got for Christmas, a reverse lens mount. The reverse lens mount allows me to mount my lens backwards on my camera which converts a zoom lens into an unbelievably crazy macro lens. It basically turns my camera into a low power microscope, but without the tripod slide, I wasn't actually able to get my subjects in the right focus.

Spikes on SpikesPansy PetalThe SubjectsSetup

June 2019

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday