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The Mountain Goats of Mt. Blue Sky

I had to work on Sunday this week because of a customer visit, so I took off Wednesday to compensate for working a day I normally don't have to work. Since Katie already had Wednesday off, we took the opportunity to go hiking. We ventured into the Mount Blue Sky area in the Arapaho National Forest. Neither of us had been to this area before. Since this area has one of Colorado's 14ers, we figured we could find some cooler hikes at high elevations to take a break from the heat in town.

Our first stop was to hike to Chicago Lakes from Summit Lake. This trail starts above 12,000 feet in elevation above the tree line and was a brisk 50 degrees. It was so cold we started wearing our puffy jackets, gloves, and hats. That hike steeply descends to Chicago Lakes where we ate a snack overlooking Lower Chicago Lake before going back up the brutal mountain back to the car. The trail had a lot of large steps and a lot of loose gravel, making the ascent and descent much harder. It was a good test of Katie's balance.

After the hike, we went to the summit of Mount Blue Sky, one of two 14ers that you can drive to the top of. We ate lunch in the car (because of the wind and cold), and then I "hiked" up to the summit of Mount Blue Sky which was just a few hundred feet in elevation gain and a third of a mile.

We saw two herds of mountain goats. The first one was a pack of about 18 that were on the side of the road. The second heard was at the summit of Mount Blue Sky and there were only 6 of them up there sharing the views with the humans. We haven't seen any mountain goats on any of our hikes, and that was one of the things we were hoping to find on this adventure.

Trailhead Location
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3.83 mi 3.3 hrs 14,248 ft 1,451 ft
View Graphs
Summit Lake
Chicago Lakes
Almost There
Upper Chicago Lake
Turn Around Point
Lower Chicago Lake
Alpine Gentian
Fake Smile
Kings Crown
Summit Lake Again
Shelter Door
On the Side of the Road
Looking Down on Me
Baby Resting
The Goats of Mount Blue Sky
Baby in the Mountains
Summit Lakes (Again)
Mount Blue Sky Survey Marker