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Into One of Many Entrances

This capital building was pretty cool. So first of all, the town is located between 2 lakes, so it's just a strip of land that is probably less than a mile wide. The capital building sit atop a hill on one side of the strip of land. All the roads feed into the capital building, and there are 4 entrances with 8 roads pointing to the capital building. Overall one of the cooler layouts for a capital building that I've ever seen.

Into One of Many Entrances

This capital building was pretty cool. So first of all, the town is located between 2 lakes, so it's just a strip of land that is probably less than a mile wide. The capital building sit atop a hill on one side of the strip of land. All the roads feed into the capital building, and there are 4 entrances with 8 roads pointing to the capital building. Overall one of the cooler layouts for a capital building that I've ever seen.

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