Twin Sisters
Hiking Twin Sistes in Rocky Mountain National Park has been on our hike list for a while now. Since our hike last weekend was easy, we wanted to do something a little more challenging to get us back into and keep us in shape. Twin Sisters was the perfect hike for that with 7.5 miles in distance and a whopping 2,500 feet of elevation gain. We knew going into this that it wouldn't be easy, but with its proximity to Longs Peak and Meeker and being above Treeline, we knew it would give fantastic views. And it did. Longs and Meeker are such impressive mountains, and summiting Twin Sisters gave us an unobstructed panoramic view of that pair of mountains
The hike started out at 9:30 in the morning when we got to a nearly-filled parking lot. It was clear to us when we started the hike that this was an early-riser type of hike with many people descending as we ascended, which wasn't what we were expecting. Since it's not summer temperatures yet, most people wait until later morning to start a hike to take advantage of warmer hiking temperatures. But with the temperatures forecasted to hit the mid-60s in Estes Park, I guess enough people wanted to summit early. But not us, our summit ended up being right around noon. It was too windy at the summit for us to eat lunch up there, but we only had to hike back a couple of hundred feet to find a nice calm spot to eat.

Early on in the hike we got a gorgeous view of Longs Peak (right-center) and Meeker (left).
Mummy Range
Looking to the North we got great views of the Mummy Range. We have lots of hikes planned in that mountain range this summer.