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Coulson Gulch to Ralph Price Reservoir

We haven't gone hiking in a little while because of the smoke. This weekend the winds were blowing West, so it kept the East side of the mountains pretty clear so we decided to go for a hike. We were originally planning on a 5 mile round trip hike which would have been turning around once we hit a forest road but ended up walking down the service road to Ralph Prince Reservoir which added an extra two and a half miles round trip making the total hike just under 7.5 miles and just over 1,500 feet in elevation gain. The hike took us 3 and a quarter hours to complete. I'm glad we made it to the reservoir because it gave us a nice destination with some great views.

This hike was a lot different than all the others we have gone on because the hike started at the high point. So we hiked down 1,500 feet in elevation, and the hard part was the return back to the car. Typically hikes start low, you hike up high, and the hike back is nice and easy. Because of this, we were never given the point of turning around early from exhaustion since going down is always easier than going up. We paid for this in some sore muscles the next day, but overall it was a pretty good hike.

Trailhead Location
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7.43 mi 3.2 hrs 7,707 ft 1,558 ft
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Along the Ridge
Skinny Path
Ralph Price Reservoir
In the Water
Forest Road
Abandoned Cabin
Rusty Nail