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Cameron's Peak Fire Sunset

This is the second evening of the Cameron's Peak Fire. Yesterday while Katie and I were on a walk, we saw a gorgeous sunset with a deathly looking sun, so I figured I should take some photos before the fire dies down or gets significantly worse. I decided to bike over to the Robert Benson Lake in the Pelican Marsh Natural Area since the views of the mountains from there are always pretty spectacular. The sun started setting to the South of the smoke plume and finished setting to the North of the smoke plume right below the smoke but above the mountains. This particular orientation of the sun relative to the smoke plume and the mountains gave some spectacular colors and views of the sun as the lighting changed and the sun passed through the smoke.

With no immediate end in sight to this fire, I hope that the fire becomes under control soon. Fires are a natural part of the ecosystem, but hopefully, this one doesn't burn too much of the forest since the Cameron's Peak area is such a beautiful area.

Smoke Offshoot
Eaten By the Smoke
Blood Sun
Colorful Sunset
In Flight
Fleeing the Fire