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Hewlett Gulch Hike

Katie, Emily, Dylan and I went on a hike through Hewlett Gulch. It was a great day for a hike, started out in the low 60's and eventually made it to the high 60's by the end of the hike. Hewlett Gulch isn't an out and back type of a hike, it's a big loop with no real "end" or "summit" to it. It was a hike that Katie had done before but I had never been to the Hewlett Gulch area, or really anything in Poudre Canyon before (with the exception of Zimmerman Lake), so it was a fun adventure exploring the Northwestern side of the Fort Collins area.

The hike was a little over 8 miles and took us 3 hours. It had a painful 1,325ft of elevation gain.

Trailhead Location
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8.29 mi 3 hrs 6,823 ft 1,325 ft
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Fall Hike
Burn Area
Burnt Tree