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Super Blood Wolf Moon

First, let me break down why it's called a Super Blood Wolf Moon. It's a Super Moon because the moon is very close to Earth - more so than usual. It's a Blood Moon because during totality when the Earth's umbra is covering the moon, the moon turns a reddish color due to the sunlight that is bending through and around Earth's atmosphere. Finally, the first full moon of the year is known as the Wolf Moon. So there you have it. A Super Blood Wolf Moon.

There was quite a bit of news around this lunar eclipse, but I ended up forgetting. That is until I was reminded of it by something in my news feed just a few minutes before the eclipse was supposed to start. So I poked my head outside and saw a really bright moon. About 10 minutes later, I went back outside and still saw the same bright moon, but it didn't appear full anymore because the eclipse had started. So I grabbed my camera and started taking some photos. From the time I started shooting to the time I went to bed was about 90 minutes, however, I wasn't outside for that entire time. The weather was in the low 30's, which I couldn't really ask for any warmer for the middle of January, but that's still far too cold to be standing outside for that long. First, the Earth's penumbra passed in front of the moon, and the moon just got a little darker. Then, Earth's umbra passed in front of the moon and the moon started to turn red. Then the reverse happened while I was asleep and trying to warm back up.

Half Way
Barely There
A Few Stars
Blood Moon