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Cradle of Humankind

We flew out early in the morning from Cape Town to Johannesburg. As soon as we landed, we got a car and headed to the Cradle of Humankind where we learned a lot about humans history on this earth and saw the caves where archaeologists found the oldest human remains. It was a lot different than any other caves that Katherine and I have been to. Most caves we go to in the States are about the features in the caves, where this tour was all about the fossils found in the cave. The other difference is most caves tell you to strictly not touch anything and stay on the path, but this cave had very little rules on what you could touch, which is good because I like touching things.

Cradle of Humankind
Homo naledi
Jaw Bone
15+ Individuals
Homo Heidelbergensis
Paranthropus Boisei Skull
PPE For Life
Into the Cave We Go!
Uncharted Waters
Low Ceilings